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EXPCON attendees participating in the Path 2: Momentum – Path to Success started their Tuesday afternoon by learning how to leverage AI to build a successful brand and expand their business. The Path kicked off with a session on “Breaking through with AI.”

Utilizing Townsites to Reach Your Community

Curtis Shewell shared his tips on using Townsites, a platform to create a custom, AI-powered site that compiles local data and curates weekly emails, market reports and newsletters to every person in your community. Curtis said Townsites will overhaul your SEO and bring it up to the first page on search engines. “With Townsites, you will become a local expert in your community,” Curtis shared. 

Curtis Shewell shares his thoughts on Townsites

Elevate Your Business With Powerful AI Tools

Next, attendees heard from eXp Realty agent Veronica Figueroa whose business is exploding thanks to the use of several AI tools. During “Using AI to create leverage for your business,” Veronica said, “AI is like a motorcycle for your brain, allowing you to zoom through and create more opportunities in your business.”

She demonstrated the value of tools like the chatGPT email extension that can create email responses for you, build custom templates and learn your voice over time.

“Beautiful AI can build you polished slide decks, while will create stunning videos to share across your platforms,” she said.

One of the many AI features that Veronica and team use has allowed them to add more content and quizzes for their agents to see where their skills currently stand and coach them as they build their business.

Veronica Figueroa demonstrates the value of AI tools when growing your business 

Digital Marketing Using AI

Dallas eXp Realty agent Levi Lascsak, who has mastered YouTube lead generation, took the stage to share the unlimited possibilities available to build your marketing presence through AI.

He detailed additional AI tools that will revolutionize your digital marketing efforts while anticipating future trends that are continuing to shape the real estate industry. This includes taking a YouTube video link and dropping it into an AI to create a blog post or article based on your video. The article will then appear in Google searches, increasing your hits and growing your business. 

Leveraging the Market Around You

After three incredible AI-focused sessions, the afternoon shifted gears as attendees heard from eXp agent Grace Simon on unlocking your real estate potential by leveraging the market around you.

“Your community is always changing,” Grace said. “Are you growing your community as you’re growing your business?” she asked.

She shared the importance of investing in your community, partnering with local businesses and meeting with influencers to add more value in your local market. Meeting as many people as you possibly can in the shortest period of time is key to growing your business, and one way to do that is by running for local office.

“I said if I win, great, and if I lose, maybe that’s even better, but I knew I would meet many people along the way,” Grace shared. “I won by a longshot, and I grew my business exponentially.”

Grace cited that politics is not for everyone, but you have endless opportunities to tap into your local community to build your network and grow the future of your business. 

Creating Sustainability in Any Market 

Next, attendees heard from Georgia eXp Realty agent Levi McDonald on creating a sustainable business in your local market despite the current economic climate.

“My goal is to dominate the model every year,” Levi said. “And every one of us can dominate the model by simplifying it.”

Levi shared the importance of knowing how many deals you personally need to close each year in order to dominate the model, not comparing yourself to what others are doing. He cited that understanding what works for you and within your market is the key to success and becoming an expert in your space.

“Whatever you are doing, make sure every single person knows that you sell real estate and it is what you do,” he said. 

Levi McDonald discussed the keys to sustainability in your market.

Niche Down With the Grit Girls

Jamie Tulak, Tara McCarthy and Lauren Rocco, better known as Girls with Grit, took the stage to share insights on the ways they fearlessly carved their path to success by “niching down” in the real estate world to build a strong business with a unique, niche focus.

They discussed how they broke barriers, embraced each of their unique strengths and created thriving businesses that resonate with each of their passions. They shared how niching down will help you build an ideal clientele, save on marketing costs and make your work more fun and seamless.

All three women are ICON agents who banned together to create an “exclusive club” to help other women at eXp tap into their unique potential and build a successful business, shutting down judgements and breaking through barriers.

“For females specifically, it’s hard to build a big business without getting a bit of side eye

A man can fog out there and build an empire. But if we do that, we are judged as women and mothers, “ The trio shared. “We build a community to help women and support them in building a big-ass business, unapologetically.”

The Grit Girls share how they’re empowering other women to grow their businesses

Becoming the Agent of the Future

Pamela Martin discussed carving your own unique path to success as you propel your career to the next level, becoming a future-forward by building your virtual business. 

“We all know 2020 right? The world stopped,” Pamela said. “In March of 2020 I was on the phone with a seller and he asked me to come out to take a look at his house and I froze. I knew I needed to see his house but was afraid, so I suggested he show me on FaceTime, and that was my first virtual listing.” she added.

Ever since that groundbreaking moment, Pamela has worked 100% virtually and has built her business as an agent of the future. She has sold hundreds of homes where she has only stepped foot in four of them within the last three years. 

“It’s not different from any other listing,” she said. “I have a photographer, someone to put a sign up and a lock box, and it’s the same as every other listing. I just view it through a different lens.”

Pamela’s advice for any agent wanting to do this in their market is to get out of your own way and acknowledge that it’s okay not to go to a person’s house. “You are an expert in your market and you can list their house virtually with the expertise and experience that you have,” Pamela shared. “If you have a database, you have all of the tools you need.”

Building a Better Brand

Juan Carlos Barreneche took the stage to inspire and empower agents to craft an authentic and compelling brand that will set them apart from the crowd. He detailed the ingredients for leaving a mark on the market, your clients and the industry by highlighting your brand and what makes your business unique. He shared how he built his brand through Instagram and has an entire system that finds and converts leads from start to finish, sharing how other agents can make that system work for them as well.

“I am always amazed that we’re in an age where social media still dominates, but so few of us are utilizing it for our business,” He said. “I post M-F, twice a day, 9am and 6pm, and all of my content is professionally done and consistent, which drives results.” 

Juan shared his full presentation with attendees to teach them how to utilize his tools for their success.


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