Jacqui Bowman’s super power is that she loves to teach. Plain and simple, she has a deep passion to help people learn, grow and excel. That’s why the Ohio-based eXp Realty agent has focused her career on being a full-time private elite real estate coach after 13 years as a top relationship-based agent, closing over 800 transactions.

“I get more excited coaching agents,” said Jacqui, who was a preschool teacher in her earlier life. “I explain things a little differently because I am a teacher. I don’t subscribe to expensive programs – I just tell them to be yourself. This is a relationship-based business that is built on trust, transparency and your true self.”
Jacqui’s path to eXp was tapped by colleague David Best, who she worked with at Keller Williams. Together, they opened eXp in Ohio in 2017 when there were only 2,500 eXp agents worldwide.
“He showed me this innovative model and platform that was amazing for agents. He and I are both passionate about leading and growing agents to their best version of themselves,” said Jacqui.
“Plus, this model has changed the life and the legacy of my family. The leadership, transparency and care for the agent is unmatched. I have since built so many wonderful relationships, and grown personally and professionally more than I could have ever imagined in five short years.”
Jacqui and her husband, Ryan, have two children. Abby is a 20-year-old currently attending Central Michigan University as a special education major and Drew, 17, is a junior on the swim team at Kent Roosevelt High School. He lives with autism.
Ryan and Jacqui set large “giving goals” each year. Ryan gives 20% of his commission to veterans and veteran nonprofits and Jacqui supports RAHAB Ministries and TMC Blessings of Northeast Ohio.

Learn more about Jacqui Bowman:
Years in real estate: Jacqui since 2004; Ryan since 2010.
Brokerage history:
- eXp Realty (March 2017-current)
- Berkshire Hathaway (2016-2017)
- Keller Williams (2009-2016)
Main territory: Northeast Ohio, Akron
Main focus:
“My husband, Ryan, and I work together on many aspects of real estate. He is still in production servicing only our close family friends and past clients. He and I both focus on growing our eXp organization – our “eXp Wolfpack” – which consists of over 300 agents. I am personally passionate about helping high-achieving women in real estate #LiveBetter and be more Christ-centered. I coach women to build their business based on relationships and being their authentic self. I also coach them on how to gain more leverage, provide others with opportunity without growing a traditional real estate team.”
Number of people on team: I currently have 14 coaching clients, and limit my exclusive #LiveBetter Elite Client program to six high-achieving women. I lead and have attracted to eXp: 31 FLAs, 28 FLQAs and now Ryan and I lead over 300 agents in our eXp Wolfpack organization.
Accolades, accomplishments & awards:
- Past Chairperson for eXp Realty Agent Advisory Council (2021)
- Served as Director of Local Board (2016-2019)
- Team Leader at Keller Williams Realty (2009-2013)
- Main stage speaker for EXPCON (2021) and Build Conference (2021)
Is there a significant experience you can share since you joined eXp?
“The care and concern from leadership that we receive as agents. From day one, (eXp Realty CEO) Jason Gesing, (eXp World Holdings CEO) Glenn Sanford and our entire leadership team have always been accessible to agents. I admire the importance and accessibility they give to the Agent Advisory Council, our agents’ voice with leadership. Serving on the AAC for the past two years has been an amazing leadership journey and a privilege. I was honored to give my time and talents back to a company that gives us so much.”
What is one thing about eXp that surprised you?
“The creativity, resources and flexibility for agents to brand themselves and grow their businesses. I was also surprised that the revenue share income was so much more lucrative and financially beneficial as compared to our previous brokerage’s profit share system. That income is life-changing for us, and an amazing surprise. This alone in 2018 gave us the option for Ryan, my husband, to exit the corporate world, resign his company car and benefits and enter into the real estate industry here at eXp Realty full time. What a gift!
Have you had any experience or success around eXp’s global revenue share and commercial businesses?
“We are so proud that our group has expanded into Portugal. I am super excited that a business friend of mine may be joining our eXp Commercial division under the new business brokerage side of things. Beyond residential, it seems that every month, every week and every day, eXp is expanding into new opportunities for agents to network and bring in new relationships to our amazing global network.”
What kind of collaboration have you experienced at eXp?
“eXp Workplace is absolutely amazing. The relationships that are built, the support and answers to any question you may have, is right at our fingertips. My favorite part is to be able to comment, and help agents all over the country who need a little help. I am so passionate about this company that every agent and every voice is important to me. What makes it most special is knowing it’s important to our leadership as well.”
Best tip to share with other agents:
“Surround yourself with those that you admire and that inspire you. You ARE the five people you surround yourself with. Why not find those that have already accomplished the things on your vision board? One team, one dream. If you are taking massive action, your cheerleaders and connections are all here at eXp, ready for your call, and will help you get wherever you want to go.”
10 Fun Things About Jacqui Bowman
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
Doing what I want, when I want, with who I want.
Who is the person you most admire?
Honestly, I still just LOVE Oprah. But a woman near me, who inspires me, and who makes everyone feel special is Susan Frederick. I admire her, and her loving, selfless leadership.
One thing you can’t live without?
My husband. He is the best supporter and is my Superman.
One trait that has led to your success?
Having more joy for others’ success, vs. my own.
What celebrity would play you in a movie or TV show?
My husband says it would be Angelina Jolie. She’s smart, funny, and she can play a variety of different types of roles. More importantly, she’s strong and confident and does things her way regardless of what the norm is. She’s comfortable making it her way!
Pet peeve?
When agents are led to believe what success “should” look like. Instead of helping them create their own version of success!
Little known fact about yourself?
I have been self-employed since age 20.
Song you never tire of?
“Yes and Amen.” (Worship song)
Favorite meal?
It’s still pizza.
Your epitaph will say:
Mamabear of Real Estate
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