eXp World Holdings (Nasdaq: EXPI), the holding company for eXp Realty, the fastest-growing residential and commercial real estate companies in the world, announced that 228 agents – 197 in the U.S. and 31 in Canada – were honored as eXp Realty ICON agents for May 2022.

The eXp Realty ICON Agent Award is reserved for agents who achieve exceptional production goals and positively impact company culture. This honor signals that these agents are leaders in their field and serve as examples to their colleagues by upholding the core values of eXp Realty.
eXp Realty ICON Agents for May 2022:
Ali Abdallah, MI
Lori Adamson, AZ
Mayo Adenlolu, ON
Cricket Allen, SC
Erika Alvarenga Da Silva, ON
Joel Anderson, AB
Efmorfia Apostolis, AZ
Jason Arends, CO
Erin Arksey, BC
Rahul Arora, ON
Jason Asa, FL
Courtney Atkinson, AB
Danielle Aubrey, ON
Sandra Bahe, OK
Dawn Baltar, CA
Silvano Barocio, CA
Darryl Baskin, OK
Melissa Bauer, WI
Dustin Bauld, AB
Kristen Bear, FL
Dawood Bedrosian, FL
Daniel Beer, CA
Brenda Bell, FL
Hector Benavidez, CA
Drew Betz, FL
James Billman, ID
Michael Blake, MI
Steve and Jennifer Bohannon, AK
Christopher Bowers, AZ
Laine Bowling, IN
Gurinder Brar, AB
Robbie Breaux, LA
Matthew and Kimberly Bresee, FL
Brooke Broady, IN
Brian Brooke, CA
Kelly Brown, MN
Adam Bugbee, IA
Charles Burgess, NC
Jason Carden, CO
Kimberly and Stephen Cargill-Wax, TN
Bradley and Kami Carstens, CO
Shanne Carvalho, CA
Abe Cazarez, CA
Clay and Melissa Cecil, OK
Rafael Ceja, FL
Carmela Cetkowski, NJ
Samantha Cherry, MO
Austin Cheviron, IN
Jeffrey Chubb, MA
Barbara Clausen, NJ
Steven Clemons, AR
Sabre Cofer, TX
Andrew Coleman, FL
Clifton Coleman, VA
Tim Collins, BC
Theresa Cook, TN
Curtis Counts, NJ
Chase Cromwell, CA
Brian Cunningham, AZ
John Cunningham, AZ
Steven Custer, NC
Terrin Daemen, AB
Gene Darden, AL
Mark Davis, CO
Craig DeBoor, IN
Jason and Mitzie Delgado, TX
Michael Devlin, CA
Joe Diraffaele and Shannan Fogle, NV
Jawahar Dodani, AZ
Melissa and Brian Doga, LA
Monica Dunlap, KY
Haley Dunn-Fultz, TN
Robert Edgerley, ME
Henry Eisenstein, NJ
Nicky and Dustin Elliott, WA
Kevin Elson, IN
Sharon Evans, NC
Hadley Faught, NV
Zachary Fauver, VA
Colleen Ferguson, BC
Tim Fiebig, CA
Iean Finley, IL
Lani Fisher, WA
Arturo Flores, IL
Maria Forero Gomez, NJ
Jon Foster, CA
Anya and Jerry Franco, TX
Janet Giffee, TN
Anthony Giglio, MN
Tejas Gosai, PA
Amy Graves, OR
Hayley Green, AB
Braden Greer, SC
Freddy Guerra, AL
Ryan and Suzette Hawkinson, LA
Stephanie Hawkinson, IL
Nicole Headen, NE
Jen Helmig, TX
Victor Hernandez, FL
Patricia Herrera, FL
Claudienne Hibbert, FL
Kimberly Hostetter, VA
Misty Hott Ernde, MD
Michelle Humes, GA
Nick Hundley, LA
Tracy Hunter, OR
Mary Ibbetson, SC
Cheyenne Ison, ID
Amy Izzo, IN
Elizabeth James, NE
Colette Johnson, CA
Curtis Johnson, AZ
Sonia Johnson, MA
Tijana Jones, ND
Douglas Juenke, CA
Heidi Kapcsos, UT
Kathryn Keller, IN
Joseph Kempler, IN
Darcy King, WA
Daniel Kingsley, MN
James Knull, AB
Natasha Koch, BC
Timothy Knutson, ND
Natalie Kuchava, ON
Sean Kundra, SK
Sharon Kushner, NY
Dana LaBerge, NC
Jesse Lagos, MT
John Lajara, NY
Brandon Landry, LA
Pierre LaPierre-Herrera, NC
Adewale Lawal, TX
Kerri Lawless, LA
Erica Lawton, WI
Sean Lentz, WI
Stacey Leslie, TX
Matthew Lindsay, AK
Pete Lobo, CO
Joseph Lozano, IL
Jenna Lucas, NC
RJ Magnaye, MD
Deep Mann, ON
Sarah Manshel, CO
Phillip Mariani, FL
Robert McClure, NC
Matthew Mccord, FL
Rickey McCormick, OK
Victoria McJunkins, OH
Olivia Mcnally, CA
Carolyn McNamara, WI
Enrique Medellin, CA
Jonathan Mehlhoff, SD
Randita Mendez-Parra, NV
James Meushaw, WA
Edward Milan, GA
Ario Moghaddam, ON
Ceila Morales, FL
MJ Motta, AK
Frances Mouser, CA
Leo Murray, UT
Adrian Nedelec, AB
Phoebe Nguyen, TX
Tony Ning, ON
Gary Norris, ID
Ellen O’Neil, SC
Morris and Natasha O’Quinn, GA
Dylan Oneschuk, AB
Milind Patel, TX
Sam Patel, AB
Deborah Peters-Wilde, NV
Minh Pham, TX
Kate Pieper, AB
Tony Pippenger, TX
Joy Pratt, FL
Tobin Prince, UT
Steven Pugh, FL
Tomasz Racult, NY
Andrew Rhoades, WI
Desiderio Rivera, DE
Jeff Russell, CA
Melody Russell, CA
Bryan and Lena Saldarini, NC
Henry Salgado, NC
Jaime Salgado, TX
Ramon Sanchez, CA
Kevin Scharfenberg, BC
Lindsay Schroeder, IN
Robert Schroth, FL
Adam Schwartz, CA
Leslie Scott, TN
Travis Scott, MI
Mary Sekowski, CO
Jeffrey Selvoski, PA
Tina Sempeck, NE
Akash Sharma, BC
Jacquelyn Shoffner, AZ
Calvin Shropshire, TN
David Sidoni, CA
Radojka Smith, AZ
Michael Snitz, AZ
Lyndon Sommert, AB
Derek Spain, GA
Victor Steffen, TX
April Stephens, NC
Dianne Stewart, MO
Braithan Stoltenberg, CA
Nathan Sulz, BC
William and Stephanie Terry, SC
Jay Thomas, TX
Somer Tinsley, TX
Debbie Tran, TX
Samuel Trisler, TX
Randall Utz, MD
Bradley Van De Walle, AB
Matt Vance, CA
Micky Venable, ND
Mark Verzyl, AB
Ricardo Villa, CA
Robert Walker, MI
David and Deborah Wertan, SC
Kyle Whissel, CA
Karlee Wick, AB
Tyler Wilcox, NC
Alissa Williams, GA
Matthew J. Willis, AL
Erica Yoon, TX
David Young, WA
Kristen Zigouras, NY
The eXp Realty ICON Agent Award provides each qualified ICON with up to $16,000 in publicly traded eXp World Holdings, Inc. common stock upon the achievement of certain production, cultural and event attendance goals. The company’s cap is presently set at $16,000. Through the program, ICONs effectively can earn up to their entire cap amount back in the form of stock. ICON Agent qualification and benefit details are available in the ICON Program Overview.
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