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Gogo Bethke

One of EXPCON’s breakout paths is Path to Production and on Wednesday, the path focused on Artificial Intelligence (AI). Mo Rosales kicked the day off with the “Breaking Through With AI” session, which delved into the world of AI and its profound impact on the industry. The session equipped agents with practical knowledge and actionable insights. 

Digital Marketing Using AI

Gogo Bethke shared some of the AI tools she found success with.

Led by Gogo Bethke, this session showed how AI can revolutionize digital marketing while anticipating the future. She took attendees through a variety of tools and resources she has found success with including vidIQ,, Speechify and ChatGPT. 

She then welcomed Carrie Soave, who talked about knowing the correct resources to invest in amidst the plethora of options available. “First I ask if the tool has an application to real estate and then if it will save me time,” she said.

Using AI to Create Leverage for Your Business

Gogo turned the stage to Phil Stringer, who delved deep into how AI can supercharge a business like nothing else can. “AI isn’t going to replace you but an agent using AI will,” he said. “This is all about relationships and always will be.”

18 Ways to Drive Engagement in 10 Minutes

James Nellis provided 18 unique ideas for driving engagement with clients.

James Nellis took over to lead a highly empowering session on the art of communicating effectively in various real estate scenarios. During the session, he provided 18 unique and creative ways to drive engagement. These included exciting themed contests like the popular Ugly Sweater competition for the holidays, enticing giveaways and the suggestion of organizing vendor and investor happy hours as well as additional annual events. This session equipped participants with practical strategies to excel in building relationships.

Role Play Your Way to Higher Production Workshop

Tina Caul, Kathleen Helbig and Phil Hahn led this interactive workshop, where attendees had the opportunity to engage in role-playing exercises designed to refine their skills and boost their confidence. “It’s the curveballs that you have to work on,” said Kathleen. “You need to prepare for them.”

“The reality is the more you practice role-playing the better you get at it,” added Tina. “When you listen back to your role-playing you can make important adjustments.” Phil agreed, “You will never know how streamlined your communication is until you watch it back. You will be amazed at how many ‘ums’ you use, as an example.”

Never Lose Another Negotiation

JT Tomlin closes out Path 1 with a discussion on negotiating.

JT Tomlin led the final session on negotiating, which was designed to equip attendees with the tools, strategies and mindset needed to master the art of negotiation. “Principled negotiating is both hard and soft negotiating,” JT said. “Hard on merits, soft on the people. This enables you to be fair while protecting yourself and looking for mutual gains.” He offered several tips for dealing with difficult situations, including seller concessions.

“The ability to see the situation as the other side sees it, difficult as it may be, is one of the most important skills a negotiator can possess,” he concluded.


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