These figures are not a guarantee, representation or projection of earnings or profits you can or should expect. They also do not include expenses incurred by agents in operating their businesses. eXp Realty makes no guarantee of financial success. Success with eXp Realty results only from successful sales efforts, which require hard work, diligence, skill, persistence, competence, and leadership. Your success will depend upon how well you exercise these qualities. Visit https://exprealty.com/income for average agent earnings and additional information about earning opportunities with eXp Realty.Discover new ways to earn, learn and grow with one of the world's fastest-growing real estate brokerages.
Karen Richards – Designated Managing Broker, Broker Operations – TX
Texas Real Estate Commission information about brokerage services
Texas Real Estate Commission Consumer Protection Notice
eXp Realty® is committed to adhering to the guidelines of The New York State Fair Housing Regulations. To view The Fair Housing Notice - Please Click Here
*Standardized Operating Procedure for Purchasers of Real Estate Pursuant to Real Property Law 442-H. To View - Please Click Here