Real estate professionals come from all walks of life and across all demographics. This gives real estate brokerages a unique opportunity to embrace and empower diverse populations.
At eXp, agents and staff are committed to building the most diverse and inclusive real estate brokerage in the world, where all views are respected and encouraged. Recently, the company announced its ONE eXp initiative to support career development, promote fair housing principles and provide networking opportunities that encourage cultural awareness.
eXp Champions and Promotes Diverse Perspectives
A diverse and inclusive culture fosters growth, innovation and attracts open-minded and socially responsible leaders and agents. eXp’s culture of inclusion is reinforced by its core values, which remind agents and staff to make positive change, be transparent and act with integrity.
It’s a philosophy that starts at the top. Glenn Sanford, founder of eXp Realty and CEO of eXp World Holdings, fully embraces a culture of inclusiveness. “Real estate is, unfortunately — as a profession — one of the least diverse industries. But I believe the more you can tap into a diverse set of views, opinions or ideologies, the better the organization performs,” he explains. “One of the things that we continually try to do is bring other cultural viewpoints to the table.”
“Everyone has a voice and the opportunity to succeed.”
— Fee Gentry, Agent and Chair of ONE eXp
As the company grows domestically and internationally, ONE eXp serves an underlying support of the company’s core values and will contribute to its sustainability and overall growth.“
I am honored to be part of a company whose culture embraces differences, promotes equality and mutual respect and provides a space where everyone has a voice and the opportunity to succeed,” says Fee Gentry, eXp Realty agent and chair of ONE eXp.
Inclusive Thinking Drives Success
Diversity and inclusion starts with each of us — no matter our level or role. Whether that is being open to different experiences and ideas; accepting of human experiences and needs; or joining a community activity. eXp Realty is committed to supporting minority, women-led, LGBTQ, physically challenged and other groups. The company has a number of active diversity groups that enhance eXp’s culture and community, including:
- Black eXp Network
- eXp Asian Network
- eXp Latino
- eXp LGBTQ Network
- eXp Power Girls
The first step to success is to play an active role in creating environments where people of diverse backgrounds are comfortable being themselves and can show that by doing their best work for the company, their clients and themselves.
Editor’s note: This has been reprinted from “Excellence” magazine, which was published in October 2019 and distributed to attendees at EXPCON in Las Vegas. To get your own personal copy, you can order it via the eXp store.