eXp World Holdings (Nasdaq: EXPI), the holding company for eXp Realty, the fastest-growing residential and commercial real estate companies in the world, announced that 286 agents – 242 in the U.S., 37 in Canada, six in the United Kingdom and one in Australia, were honored as eXp Realty ICON agents for October 2022.

The eXp Realty ICON Agent Award is reserved for agents who achieve exceptional production goals and positively impact company culture. This honor signals that these agents are leaders in their field and serve as examples to their colleagues by upholding the core values of eXp Realty.
eXp Realty ICON Agents for October 2022
Christopher Abraham, UK
Kimberly Agemy,MI
Elijah Alborn, TX
Imran Ali, BC
Brian Allen, OK
Craig LePage and Shelley Johnson, NC
Anne Anderson, MN
Christine Andreasen, WA
Kelsey and Andrew Wozniak, OH
Michael Argeropoulo, WI
Emilin and Narlene Arias-Gil, NY
Yulia Armstrong, NC
Michael and Christine Bacelo, FL
Brenda Bakken, WA
Khaliyah Barakhyahu, VA
Andrew Barnes, MN
Fiona Barone, FL
Andre Barrett, FL
Kevin Barrett, AK
James Becker, CA
Tina Beliveau, MD
Rahul and Surbhi Bhagat, CA
Claire Bilton, UK
Michel Blais, ON
Marissa Boyle, NC
David Bratanov, OH
Tanya Bressel, NJ
Christopher Briner, ID
Phillip and Courtney Britt, NC
Lonnie Brooks, FL
Mary Martin Brown, AL
Shayla Brown, ND
Alisha Brown, SC
Mark Buchanan, UK
Nancy Buckstad, NC
Tyler Bundy, NE
Brian Burds, TX
Hal Byrd WA
Stephanie Cabral FL
Cristina Caministeanu CA
Sheila Campbell TN
Elias and Melinda Campos TX
Drew Carlson AB
Natalie Carmichael FL
Jana Caudill IN
Vince Cavaliere BC
Samantha Cerrone
Cory Chapman BC
Tyler Chestnutt NC
Kwei Cheung MD
Brennan Coldiron TX
Steve Comstock MN
John Cooper BC
Nicholas Corkill TX
Tim Crews VA
David Cronnin IN
Dante Cruz TX
Thomas Daves CA
Jared Davis VA
Bill Davis CA
Jocelyn Deal IN
Larry DeCoursey NV
Jeremy Dehek AB
Elizabeth DelCasale NJ
Mandeep Dhesi ON
E. Allen Dietzschold AR
Derrick Dion AB
Howard Dobbins SC
Christopher Drewer MD
Rachel Dunham TX
Amy Dunlap MI
Sharles and Erica Edwards TX
Tammy Eickhoff NC
Mike Elgoher TX
Jeffrey Ell AZ
Tracy and Rick Ellis MO
Allen Elmore NM
JD and Deborah Esajian CA
Monica Felan TX
Matt Ferguson AB
Jo Ferraro WI
Davin Fesmire RI
Kathleen Flack FL
Keith Flanagan FL
Aimee Fletcher CO
William Ford UT
Brandi Fugate OK
Amanda Galindo MN
Mark Garrett ON
Martese Gascon CO
Richard Geha CA
Chase Gelakoski MN
Candy Gilder NC
Derek Gillette BC
Jason Giomboni PA
Tabitha Goforth NC
Michele Gole AB
Ben Gray NY
Jennifer Hall CO
Zhining and Hannah Zhang CA
Gregory and Lisa Harris SC
Jessica Hart CA
Ryan Hartt BC
Drake and Kalasha Hartwick AR
Paul Hayes PA
Crystal Heigley TX
Shelley Helton KY
Jessica Hensley KS
Jordan and MIke Hill OR
Heidi Hines NC
Kirsty Hodgson
Justin Hollett NL
Jacob Hopper SC
Sarah Houck NC
Katherine House WI
Venus Howard and Steve Vindiola CO
Todd Hurd OH
Denae Hussey AB
Eriko Ishii TX
Tracy Jagim IA
Shaun and Jessica Richardson OH
Jeffrey Jimenez NY
Katie Johnson TX
Matthew Johnson NC
Jay Johnson CA
Kenneth Johnson AZ
Cindy and Gerard Joseph TX
Justin Jurcak OH
Fraidy Kaluszyner NJ
Michelle Kennedy SC
Mindi Kessenich WI
Svetlana Kim NJ
Nicole Klein PA
Zachary Koran IL
Stacie Koroly PA
Daniel Poon and Krissy Tu CA
Elizabeth Krueger MI
Gene Krutyansky NJ
Rogelio Lantigua TN
Kevin Lauzon AB
Alicia LeDoux NM
Sarah Lee GA
Max Lee CA
King Li FL
Vadim Lichmanov FL
Jill Lindstrand SC
Ryan Loeding AZ
Kate Long AB
Jessica Lopez CA
Andy Ludlow IN
Joel Lutterloh WA
Misty Lyons NC
Jason MacDonald ON
Kimberly Maher TX
Shannon Marin BC
Jennifer Martell AZ
Pamela Martin VA
Bobby Martins CA
Dave Marvin TX
Gary and Farnaz Massa CA
Gary Mawson NJ
Ellisha Mayers NC
Michelle Mazzotta CT
Grant McCaulley IA
Chris McGary IL
D’Ann Melnick DC
Alan Mikkelson WI
Elijah Miller VA
Kristina Mireles TX
Katrina and Pascal Mongelard ON
Sandra Moreno-Corona IN
Kimberly Morris OK
Jennifer Munoz NC
Sean Murphy CO
Audrey Myers AZ
Betsy Nava-Flores TX
Claudia Nelson VA
James Nelson CO
Dean Newell FL
Huy Nguyen TX
Phat Nguyen FL
Reilly Nicholls AB
Nechama Norman NJ
Lawrence Normandeau AB
Ryan Ogle MI
Amanda Oijen BC
Jacob Olson MN
Kirstine Openshaw TX
Jessica Orsette NC
Ricardo Ortiz TX
Christopher and Victoria Owen OR
John Pacilio IN
Sarah Parent MB
Cory Parsons TN
Joy Peacock AB
Michelle Pearson MN
Adam Pendl IN
Daniel Peret GA
Amy and Jonathan Phillips ID
David Pippin GA
Jamie Posner FL
Aaron Potter MO
Larissa Powell AZ
James Pruett IN
Joanne Pullin NS
Oziel Ramirez TX
Fhonda and Randy Hatmaker TN
Sarju Ranjit AB
Eric Raymo MI
Bill Raymond WV
Ian Raysor SC
Dawn Reddoch CA
Lisa Rehmel KY
Michael Remy VA
Amanda Richardson MI
Cesar Rincon TX
Daniel Rochon VA
Micheal Rodermund TX
Jose Rodriguez TX
Ricky Rodriguez TX
Arianna Rojas Velasquez FL
Cynthia Russe GA
Richard Saba SC
Rob Sandefur TX
Alex Sarazin ON
Michelle and David Saward MI
Michael Schiff MD
Brandon Schmidt MI
Edward Schmidt MO
Eric Schomber OH
Stephen Schott MO
Dory Schrickel OH
Drew Schroeder IN
Dallas Schumaker AB
Errol Scott AB
Ashley Scrupps WA
Annemarie Sena TN
Matt Shanty PA
Lauren Sheehan OR
Jill Shinn MO
Carol Mizell Shutt AL
Kasey Singleton GA
Sergej Sinicin BC
Cassie and Timothy Spears TX
Todd Springer WA
Joshua Stanley AZ
Holly and Mike Stark MI
April Stephens NC
Benjamin Strock CA
Michael and Gena Syvertson ND
Jennifer Taylor TX
Shelly Taylor VA
Daniel and Tanin Teston FL
Jamil Thobani AB
Jason Thorman CA
Christopher Tolentino HI
Aaron Tonks
Eli Torres and Rahiza Arabel Santiago TX
Toan Tran TX
Tu Anh Tran TX
Lily Tran NY
Kristie and Brian Trentham TN
Ken Tripp ON
Mary Ann Turrie AB
Madison Twose ON
Eric Walker VA
Nathanael Wallen SC
Angela Walters WI
Jason Walters NC
Jamie Walzer GA
David Washington SA
Todd Watkins WA
Shawn Wendtland WI
Stephanie Wheeler AL
Michael Wilches NJ
Zachary Williams IN
Randy Wilson IL
Thomas Wohl NC
Melissa Wu BC
Joe and Wendy Yates OR
Camille and Bob Zachmeier AZ
Donald Zappia NY
Halina Zdanowski IL
Wei Zhai and Mike Valenza TN
Craig Ziegel IL
The eXp Realty ICON Agent Award provides each qualified ICON with up to $16,000 in publicly traded eXp World Holdings, Inc. common stock upon the achievement of certain production, cultural and event attendance goals. The company’s cap is presently set at $16,000. Through the program, ICONs effectively can earn up to their entire cap amount back in the form of stock. ICON Agent qualification and benefit details are available in the ICON Program Overview.
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