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2024 Top Producers — Individuals, U.S., Sides

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United States

RankNameLicense StateSides
1Lori Ann AdamsonAZ271
2Artemisa Boston*MN242
2Brian Jeffrey CoplandTX196
4Charles Joel WilliamsonNC177
5Nitin KumarTX167
6Scott AngeloNC151
7Jill Desaegher D. RufusVA134
8John ScaliaFL133
9Cory Edwin ParsonsTN117
10Cristina Osorio NorenaFL113
11Nicole Jule HeadenNE108
12David Huy NguyenTX105
13Cynthia I. RusseGA103
14Paula Agustina Zampallo RamirezOH102
15Lourdes MoscosoGA99
15Kim A. BradyMO99
17Monika DeRousselOH98
17Chandra VennapusaWA98
19Ronald Byron BaileyFL90
20Leroy KissingerAR87
20Calvin GleatonGA87
20Denise Skeens BlevinsVA87
23Raylene S. WebbIN83
24Amanda DudleyOK82
24Sandi N. WethingtonOH82
26Amanda Sue WilsonOH81
27Katherine J. UeiAK79
28Rachel R. PerryAL78
28Michelle ChandlerFL78
28Pamela Elaine Hardnett ArmisteadGA78
28Yanivis Lilibeth IsbellAL78
32Charles B. YowMO77
33Bernard Amir ShamowMI76
34Nathaniel BarshingerPA75
35Jody S. HammondME74
36Fadi Hussein DabajaMI73
36Kelly BroaddusAZ73
36Julie JohnsonMA73
39Shawn M. OliverGA72
39Charles Summers ChamorroCA72
41Noah RobinsonIL71
41Katherine Anne GillespieNV71
43Shaune Michael CorbettTX70
43Filloreta Balaj-eleziMI70
45Gerad Allen WomblesMO69
45Mary E. SonnierLA69
47John Patrick HoodPA68
47Stephen H. OstlerUT68
49Cherie BeckCA67
49Aleksandr FrankovWA67
51Braithan Alan StoltenbergCA66
51Alyse SullivanMA66
51Arasely EsquivelTX66
51Mario BaezTX66
51Theresa L. BenningtonSD66
56Natasha TessierTX65
56Carol M. Quattrociocchi*DE65
58Pamela TerryMD64
58Caroline HayesPA64
58Rossy Gabriela RocheFL64
58Joseph MalerbaCT64
58Roshan BogatiCO64
58Anwar NassarWA64
58Ahmed KhalilMI64
58Angelo Carmen DePaolaAL64
66Shalynn SpitzNE63
66Helen SavageSC63
66Sheri BashlorGA63
66Eric Paul SchomberOH63
70Stacey J. LambrightOH62
70Jacobe Antjuan KendrickTX62
70Jade WallerTX62
70Sanjog N. GopalAZ62
70Thomas S. LeeDC62
70Rhonda Lynn GayVA62
76Freddy GuerraAL61
76Jessica Chelton SampleVA61
76Phillip Charles BogardTN61
76Dale Anthony AbellaNV61
76Miranda Paige CarterGA61
76Kelli M. HokinsonOR61
82Helena ChenWA60
82Jessica Bethany RossSC60
82David Ryan GomillionTX60
82Mike ArgeropoulosWI60
82Ezequiel RiveraGA60
82Colleen Smith*MD60
88Emmanuel Alejandro Callejas CorderoTX59
88Kyle PowersKS59
88Victor ZambranoTX59
88Candace Hebert ConnerLA59
88Lacey Lynn HaleMO59
93Kevin Jermaine BrownTN58
93Shelly JonesNC58
93Jemimah E. ChuksDE58
93Adam Leroy SchwartzCA58
93Lorena De Jesus PinoTN58
93Marcia C. SouersIN58
93Jason BlakemanWA58
100Antonio M. RodriguesNJ57
100Debra A. BrumfieldND57
100Arturo GuadalajaraIL57
100Tamra N. MinchKY57
100Rebecca Lynn NedelkaOH57
100Gay Streater YoungTN57
100Heidi KapcsosUT57
100Jeremy LemanIL57
108Juniper AdlerHI56
108Laura KrierKS56
108Angela D. BeckIN56
108Tracy HunterOR56
108Raymond Herschel LevinAZ56
108Tina L. KraftND56
108Christina Marie LennickPA56
108Daniel Adam HarnsbergerVA56
116Steven Lewis JohnsonTX55
116Denise Andrea EversonWV55
116Brady A. SecreOH55
116Ka Yun MokTX55
116Shelley R. HeltonKY55
116Vivi B. Gloriod*CO55
122Edmilson YaxcalIL54
122Elizabeth A. GregoryMO54
122Maggie E. CooperSC54
122Jehad NaimMI54
122Jamie J. ForrestSD54
122Tanya Sue MierOH54
122Brendan Karl LammleinOH54
122Jeffrey SelvoskiPA54
122Frank PunziNJ54
131Christopher Joseph SingerTX53
131Carmela MorenoGA53
131Marisol GallegosTX53
131Kristi ClarkTX53
131Elizabeth BotelloIL53
131Jody L. ZinkOH53
131Ashley BallezziTN53
131Perla G. CampuzanoNE53
131Thanh Chi TranTX53
140Riley HextellIL52
140Tina M. LenschSC52
140Kerri L. LawlessLA52
140Veronica MartinezCA52
140Charlotte SilkOK52
140Sanjeev MalikFL52
146Chloe Elyse ChiangTX51
146Dustin MarchMO51
146Robert Alexander GessnerTX51
146Gilbert Clifford PorterGA51
146Eduardo RodriguezTX51
146Jesse OrozcoWA51
146Elizabeth Ellen JamesNE51
146Dawood David BedrosianFL51
146Kelly S. LafaveFL51
155Timothy Scott TuggleGA50
155Sam GuptaMD50
155Kelli HausOK50
155Todd M. BradfieldMI50
155Emiliano Jesus OrozcoWA50
155Chih Hua KuoCA50
155Blair Carlina EastmanNC50
155Lindsey MorrisOK50
155Lindsay PrewittIL50
155Cory Jane TalaskaWI50
155Brian O'NeilSC50
155Amy G. DuplessisLA50
155Chris McGaryIL50
155Cintia M. Valladares HernandezMD50
169Marita Elizabeth CorkillTX49
169Shaun Anthony RichardsonOH49
169Milton Rubens Barboza Jr.TX49
169Alicia CloutierMI49
169Lois de ArmasTX49
169Concetta Di GuidaFL49
169Whitney S. JordanVA49
169Adam W. CothesWA49
169Allen Houston AddairVA49
169William Ward Lowery IIOH49
169Donald P. GoudreauNH49
169Brian CunninghamAZ49
169Calvin Todd WatkinsWA49
169Ehrin Fairey*GA49
183Stefanie Elizabeth PorterNC48
183Mary Alice Perham-NelsonMI48
183Timothy Allen HernandezIA48
183Tony DayhoffPA48
183Chase NelsonTN48
183Tricia Louise MeierIN48
183Michelle Cerrisse LewisOR48
183Tri PhamTX48
183Jonathan Keith VickTN48
183Wai Y. NgMA48
183Valeska S. EchavarriaGA48
183Ricky GatesNY48
183Gregory Wade SmithOR48
196D. Lynne GebskiMI47
196Jennifer Candace HallCO47
196Sadie E. HallidayNH47
196Beth HaunGA47
196Rebekah Joy SexauerOR47
196Gary MccormickKY47
196Jeny Paz De GonzalezGA47
196Rigoberto GuzmanTX47
196Leticia DavilaTX47
196Marek Price DavisID47
196Kristina DoveFL47
196Jennifer SamuelsonOK47
196Michael MundeyOH47
196Nicholas MotzOH47
196Oluwadamilola Gbolah Olatunde*TX47
196Kyle Robert Gatesy*IN47
196Teri MacLaughlin*MO47
196Jeannie E. Steele*MT47
214Arnold OhGA46
214Jodi Rae SantosuossoOH46
214Nancy MessihaTX46
214Renee RuthVA46
214Holleigh Beth TlapaNH46
214Zakary Brennen SchmidtTX46
214Patricia Scooter JohnstonWA46
214Katherine Marie SchaumburgerMI46
214Jeynaude Pierre AvrilFL46
214Samantha Rae CherryMO46
214Kolawole AdebisiTX46
214Boyd L. WarnerOH46
214Trey Ernest Stacy Grooms IIIVA46
214Jamie Nicole BroderickMI46
214Jaclyn Nicole MesserWA46
229Zuly GomezGA45
229Darcy KingWA45
229William Andrew Isaac LamkinSC45
229Soomin KimTX45
229Debra Jean Santos-ChapmanME45
229Yuliana Mota FloresNC45
229Xiomara Caraballo MercadoPA45
229Raymond A. Yager IIMI45
229Daniel L. ContinoCT45
229Heather Dawn CastellanPA45
229Ying ChenSC45
229Ewa KusmierekNY45
229Sean Lee SladeCO45
229Halle McCroryTX45
229Tanya BresselNJ45
229Elizabeth TothNC45
229Edward LenzerCA45
229Zahra JalaluddinTX45
247Ji Eun GoNJ44
247Michael W. JenkinsAL44
247Monica Deann KelleyTX44
247Michael Robert GarvinNY44
247Kia Nate SettlesNC44
247Brenda SouterMO44
247Tracy Odessa MartinezFL44
247Andrew Thomas BaloghNC44
247Nicole Michelle GarciaOH44

* 2024 total sides include transactions closed both before and after joining eXp.

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United States

preferred first namepreferrred last nameemailrankends sales_vol
GaryGeng[email protected]147$136,207,204.77
JPVillanueva[email protected]2102$70,876,289.00
HowardHu[email protected]353$48,543,864.00
LouisLachaine[email protected]42.1$47,209,900.00
ShannonRuncie[email protected]5125.25$46,141,007.40
CamMcKeen[email protected]660.22$40,707,238.00
RachelVanderveen[email protected]755.75$37,255,533.53
AlfieYang[email protected]87.33$36,687,500.00
ShashiMadan[email protected]938$35,938,900.00
JohnWalkinshaw[email protected]1037.25$35,734,811.25
TarrenNewhouse[email protected]1180.25$35,401,714.44
EricBlas[email protected]1276.35$34,931,917.80
AdnanAssaf[email protected]1360$33,944,600.23
JeremyDinh[email protected]1465.5$33,642,400.00
AaronTsang[email protected]1528$33,313,188.00
ChristinaLegault[email protected]1640$33,309,900.00
JoanneBeaton[email protected]1756.25$33,268,574.00
ScottLissa[email protected]1839$32,647,200.00
HeatherClifford[email protected]1942.25$32,340,050.00
TrevorFinch[email protected]2043.86$31,616,216.00
Rikde Voest[email protected]2115$30,678,000.00
EmmaArmstrong[email protected]2265.1$30,355,700.00
MarlaJanzen[email protected]2371.25$30,219,919.00
JagdeepMrahar[email protected]2463$29,372,697.00
SimonLaurie[email protected]2551$28,568,900.00
KamanSingh[email protected]2649.66$28,316,066.80
Mary JoBraid[email protected]2743$27,950,860.95
SummerCirko[email protected]283$27,610,000.00
PeterTwolan[email protected]2939.2$27,523,208.50
SandeepSingh[email protected]3045.47$27,335,004.79
TerrinDaemen[email protected]3143.95$25,771,853.00
IqbalGill[email protected]3258.5$25,580,320.00
JenniferKing[email protected]3352.01$25,444,280.84
Tri NhanLe[email protected]3448$24,856,249.00
GraemeLiu[email protected]3523$24,781,900.00
CarrieNicholson[email protected]3651.55$24,682,260.50
EricVallee[email protected]3730$24,566,414.00
JeromyLaporte[email protected]3893$24,558,228.00
JeffMatheson[email protected]3938.2$24,107,917.50
NassimaKebir[email protected]4066$23,991,500.80
TonyOsarenkhoe[email protected]4149.4$23,918,717.16
LauraHealey[email protected]4236$23,906,662.75
TonyLeBlanc[email protected]4311.5$23,852,000.00
NirwairSingh Bajwa[email protected]4443.22$23,280,740.24
JeremyDehek[email protected]4563$23,178,321.23
Marc-AndreFerland[email protected]4648.58$23,115,180.00
ArleneMarques[email protected]4723$23,074,900.00
JotSingh[email protected]4842.48$22,991,626.74
MikeGroves[email protected]4924.5$22,902,400.00
EddieCastillo[email protected]5063$22,893,645.22

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