In eXp Realty’s worldwide ecosystem – populated by some of the biggest, best and brightest in the game – Mike Sherrard is at the top of the food chain.
As one of real estate’s most dynamic innovators, Mike left his successful engineering career behind and developed strategies and systems for building a high-yield presence on social media.

YouTube video production was how Mike first delivered his message on how real estate agents can scale their business online – obliterating the old-school methods of cold-calling and door-knocking.
By 2020, with the COVID pandemic about to push everyone out of the office and into a world where a virtual brokerage like eXp would boom, Mike saw the future. It was at eXp, where this Alberta, Canada-based coach now leads the Wolf Pack, the fastest-growing eXp group that this leader founded.
Mike Sherrard: The Pied Piper of Agent Attraction
But as big as Mike Sherrard is in the online world of real estate, his story about how eXp Realty helped his business and influence grow mirrors that of so many who make the switch. Borderless boundaries and revenue sharing were the critical components of the eXp model that have turbocharged Mike’s already powerful model.
> Read why revenue sharing is better than profit sharing
“Once I properly understood the geographically unrestricted opportunity of partnering with others, not only did it fill my bucket by allowing me to create a larger impact and change lives, but it also allowed me to create wealth, build a flexible lifestyle, and ultimately get time back,’’ he said.
Agent Attraction Is Key: Your Downline = Your Powerline
Being a top influencer in social media strategies is an intense magnet for Mike. He has grown so successful at attracting agents who want to learn from his strategies that his Wolf Pack team now comprises more than 1,830 agents.
“I started with 0 agents in 2020 and grew to 357 by the end of my first year. I was at 1,000 agents by the end of my second year, without reaching out to a single agent since joining the company. I also have the most personally sponsored agents (FLA) and most personally sponsored actively producing agents (FLQA) in the history of the company, all of which came directly to me through organic content. Since joining eXp, I have never reached out to a single agent. Every person to partner with me has come directly to me through my free, value-driven YouTube content.‘’
Mike Sherrard’s Influence + eXp’s Platform = Gold
Mike started his real estate career at RE/MAX in 2017, then moved to a boutique brokerage in Canada where he was one of the top producers. He expected to keep selling after moving to eXp, with ICON agent status an immediate and reachable goal. But that changed. Fast.
“Most agents make the assumption that I came to eXp as someone with ‘influence’ or a large personal brand, and that actually wasn’t the case at all. I had just shy of 2,000 subscribers on YouTube, I was from a town most have never heard of before, and nobody really knew who I was outside of my city. I built my audience after I joined eXp, which is now well over 83,000 subscribers,’’ he said.
His move to eXp sparked a near exodus of others to join, too. More than 100 agents were in Mike’s downline four months after he made the switch to eXp. He knew then that selling real estate was going to end and agent attraction was his power.
“I knew that if I wanted to properly support those who were reaching out to me on a daily basis, and do whatever I was capable of to help them succeed after putting trust in partnering with me and the Wolf Pack, I needed to step down from production,’’ he said.
Sherrard’s Secrets to Success in Growing the Wolf Pack
Mike takes his team seriously. Here’s why agents are joining in droves.
- “One of the things people love about the structure of my partnership is that we have daily mastermind calls, every day from Monday to Friday, on scaling different aspects of not only your business but your life.”
- “We have 200+ agents that show up on our daily calls. My goal is not only to help you create the business and lifestyle of your dreams but also to ensure the impact we have on your mindset and growth as a person trickles into every aspect of your life.”
- “Due to the extreme diversity of agents that partner with us, we focus heavily on creating an inclusive opportunity where we meet each individual where they are at in their career. We have built the Wolf Pack like a family, and want to make sure everyone feels seen, heard, acknowledged, appreciated, and important.”
- “I’ve created accelerator programs for the newer agents to help get them ramped up and seeing tangible results as quickly as possible.”
- “For the more experienced agents, I have private 1:1 calls to help build out a custom execution plan specifically tailored toward their market, style of business, goals and visions.”
10 Fun Things About Mike Sherrard
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
When I took my family on a first-class trip to Hawaii for Christmas, making their dream come true.
Who is the person you most admire?
Ed Mylett, who has become a friend of mine, as he is the master of emotions and the most well-rounded leader I’ve ever met.
One thing you can’t live without?
My iPhone… But I use it as a tool, not a toy.
One trait that has led to your success?
Relentless consistency.
What celebrity would play you in a movie or TV show?
The Rock, Dwayne Johnson
Pet peeve?
People chewing with their mouths open
Little known fact about yourself?
Purple isn’t actually my favorite color
Song you never tire of?
Last Time That I Checc’d – Nipsey Hussle
Favorite meal?
My mom’s homemade Beef Wellington with asparagus wrapped in prosciutto (grilled on the BBQ) and Caesar salad.
Your epitaph will say:
Never to be outworked.
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